Your Temporary Email Address

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Forget about spam, advertising mailings, hacking and attacking robots. Keep your real mailbox clean and secure. Temp Mail provides temporary, secure, anonymous, free, disposable email address.


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Temp Mail Disposable Email Address

A temporary mail email is a type of email address that is sent for a short time and then can be discarded. These addresses are often used to protect users' privacy or to consume them from spam, as they can be easily discarded and replaced with a new address when risks fall. These are also known as one-time email addresses, disposable email addresses, or one-time email addresses.

There are several services and websites that provide temporary email addresses, also known as single-contained email addresses. Includes some meshes:

  1. Mailinator: Allows users to create and receive emails at their email address together without the need to register.
  2. 10 Minute mail: Provides a temporary email address that expires after 10 minutes.
  3. Single Use: Provides an e-mail address for a single person that manufactures for a short time and can then be discarded.
  4. Disposable Mail: Allows you to create a temporary email address that expires after a certain period of time or after a certain number of messages are received.
  5. YopMail: YOPMail stands for Your Own Protection Mail. This service basically provides a unique email address for registration, account creation, and more.
  6. TempMail: TempMail provides a temporary, single-contain email address for short-term devices.

These are some well-known websites, but there are many other options that can offer this service from their content.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a fast temporary email address anonymously and without registration. Disposable email addresses are available for a short time – From 10 minutes to 1 day. Use it to create accounts on websites or create several social media profiles and worry about security and anonymity.

Awesome Features

Disposable temporary email protects your real email address from spam, advertising mailings, malwares.